Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Techniques For Your Oblique Muscles

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Let us talk about the oblique muscles. These are the muscles that run from the lateral sides to the anterior front and their fibers run horizontally; in other words, they extend between the ribs and the hips. The obliques are also the muscles that provide the stability to the trunk and the organs located there, therefore the lack of their strength and stability leads to a lower back pain.

Now let us picture ourselves looking in the mirror and looking for the abs popping out and showing the definition so well. Would be so nice to look at the obliques muscles and seeing such definition. Well it is very possible. There are techniques for the entire abs to show, and the oblique make no exception. I am about to share some tips and techniques specifically designed for the oblique muscles. One thing i want you to keep in mind and remember that the oblique give you for a fact the ripped look of the six pack, and i will tell you why this is;

The firs and most important thing you need to always remember is that in order for your abs to show, all your body muscles need to be worked. Yes they do; the reason being is that your body will grow one muscle so big before you need to work your other muscles. Remember, you can not have the 6 pack or the obliques showing unless you combine an intense full body workout exercises that cause fat loss, with mixture of specific 6 packs or oblique exercises that will build the muscle.

Next thing i want to put my focus on is to tell you about the oblique exercises. Each of these exercises, i would suggest that you do 3 to 4 sets of about 12 to 15 repetitions. Between each set, i recommend 30 seconds of rest, and between each exercise 60 seconds of rest. This way you work them well by burning fat and with intensity.
-Use the barbell and do the front squats with it. In case you wonder how to do the exercise, here's the thing; place your barbell in front of your shoulder and push on it with your fists. Make sure your arms are at 90 degrees to your body. By doing squats and by performing the barbell moves as i  mentioned, not only you work your legs, but your oblique muscles are working hard and it requires for your abs to be extremely stabilized; not only you feel the legs working, but you feel the abs working just as hard.

-Next exercise i really suggest is one that combines perfectly the fat loss targeting the obliques leaving you puffing like crazy after you are finished with it. It uses the medicine ball and they call it the killer twists. So take the medicine ball, which is already of a certain weight, hold it to one side and get into a low squat; then, get up tall and twist your body to the other side; return back to the beginning position and start it all over.  Again, you work those legs and you sure do a work on those obliques.

-Another intense exercise i like is one used in martial arts training and it is called the knee pumps. This is one that will make your six pack scream and work hard, specifically the obliques muscles. For this you need the kicking back in the gym. Position yourself in front of it, place one leg in front of the other, hold the bag with both hands, and using your back leg kick the back with your knee with full force, After you are done with this exercise, you will have your obliques wake up and work like never before.

The trick to any workout, whether it is for the oblique or any other type of body muscles, is to be persistent, driven ad patient. Many supplement companies are advertizing so many miracle pills to get amazing body and 6 packs; look, none of that works and none of that is good for your health; there is no easy way out; be patient and willing to succeed. Have the drive to get there and in the end you will appreciate your body even more. Believe in what you do and know that it is possible, because i can assure you it is. You know, the truth about having the six pack show is going the extra mile to giving them the chance to come out. Start by making the fat over the abs or the obliques melt away, and that alone will expose them to be visible.

Understand that in order for your 6 packs to come out, you need to take one step at a time. Do not jump to step two until you completed the first step. It is the same as babies. They start by crawling before the walk, and not the opposite. So the first thing you must do it increase your metabolism to burn fat; this does not mean starve yourself and work out till you drop; it means to divide your daily caloric intake into 5 smaller equal meals, each consisting of combination of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. This way you system is constantly being fed, it does not starve nor it is being stuffed, and most important it does not wonder when you will be feeding it next. This way, your system works constantly, formulating your meals into a fat burning metabolic enhancer.

Last but not least, understand that in order for your body to become a burning fat machine, it is necessary to chose exercises program that works two or more muscles at a time; this implies to avoid isolating the muscles and working them one at a time. So if you really want your oblique muscles to be noticeable, combine the exercises working both legs and obliques muscles. They create the biggest overall fat burning and muscle definition.


  1. If you do exercise daily then you can convert your body fat into useable energy and by doing this process.

  2. i agree. i find it is very important to understand the exercises that we do and why we do them. and in order to burn the fat, intensity in the cardio has to be implemented as well as combining 2 group muscles at a time, not just isolating each one and working on it.
