Lose belly fat now!
Do you have the case of the Jelly Belly? Do you suffer from love handles? Or maybe you compare yourself to the Michelin Man? All these cruel names you might call yourself, and all this because you are packing belly fat around the trunk or abdomen, and wobbles. Well to a certain extend i understand, but the fact stays the same, and that is that belly fat is not attractive! Have you ever seen any man or woman dressed in a shirt that was too short and the extra weight is peeking out? I am sure you'd agree it is not a pretty sight. The problem today is that there are so many pills and programs out there, that it is just impossible not to get all confused about it. Well, that's the sad fact that there really is no magic bullet when it comes to reducing fat and weight loss; and you just don't understand the ways of your body.
Question is, can you can learn how to effectively reduce belly fat, and weight without following a diet?
I believe in the three-step approach. It is a convenient three stage planning, which can be used to eliminate and reduce abdominal fat without dieting.
- Strength Training: Strength training is scientifically proven to offer several advantages that help to reduce the concentration of fat. What this means is that there is nothing better than having more muscle to burn calories. The simple fact is muscle burns calories and it burns them pretty fast. The more muscle you put on the less belly fat weight you will have, and the more calories you burn, the leaner you are. No I am not saying you have to become an Arnold Schwarzenegger, but adding on a few pounds of lean muscle.
- Cardio Training: If you want to reduce your weight and fat levels, there is nothing that beats just simple walking. Whether you want it on a treadmill or choose just walk around the corner of your home, this is a very simple exercise. So how can you easily begin to reduce fat levels? By walking for 30 minutes a day, and you don't have to go fast. If you do not like to walk, try biking, jogging, or rollerblading so that you burn calories. Most important, pick an activity that you enjoy. Follow the Nike logo and as it says: JUST DO IT, but make sure you do it effectively.
- Healthy Menu Choices: NO, NO, NO, I am not implying a diet. In my eyes diets do not work, becasue changing a lifestyle is wrong. What i simply imply is that you no longer will make bad food choices. You can eat more things, but good things, and that will you cause you to easily lose weight. That means no more picking out junk; implement the healthy food such as, lean proteins, whole grains, some fruit and plenty of vegetables.You should try to select foods that are in their natural state or as close as possible to make. This is when your system will diigest them with ease and not stored them somewhere in your body.
The principle on how to effectively reduce belly and body fat is not a complicated job. These three components, when followed, are the key to reducing belly. I am sure that if you decide to apply these three components, resistance training, cardio training, and healthy food choices on a consistent basis, you will see the results.
Fat, especially abdominal fat, does not just happen overnight and leaves in a day. So instead of complaining, dwelling on it, and mostly wasting energy on it, decide to apply yourself to make it disapear. ELIMINATE IT! If you're willing to try, you will succeed.
So what will you do? A longer healthier life, no belly fat, and a more attractive appearance? After all, you deserve it, so JUST DO IT!
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